Resources and Outreach

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Hunger Free 2050


Food production must nearly double to adequately feed 2050’s projected population of 9 to 10 billion. We need to feed the growing population while maintaining the planet.


Hunger Free 2050 Info. 

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Do you want to learn more about sustainable Ag & Food?


Visit the page below to get information on conferences, workshops, and other events on CAFÉ-related topics (sustainable development, climate change, regenerative Ag, food systems, etc.) occurring in California. 


California Sustainable Ag and Food Events

CAFÉ | YouTube

Enjoy some of CAFE's best educational videos on our YouTube channel!

Student Opportunities

Student Opportunities

Visit this page to find all the students' opportunities to access funding, internships, and other educational events.



Explore funding opportunities related to innovation in agriculture and food systems.

Let us help you with your search